Our Blog

InnerSpace Electronics Joins the Fight Against Cancer

American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life of Greenwich, CT was held this past weekend, June 14, 2013, at Brunswick High School in Greenwich, CT. Innerspace Electronics participated as the "AV Royals" and helped to raise over $2,000 with company matching from Andrea and...

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Help the AV Royals Fight the Fight Against Cancer!

Almost all of us have been touched by cancer in some way, so we've decided to make a difference by walking and raising money in the American Cancer Society's Relay For Life event at the Brunswick School in Greenwich, CT. At the event, our team, the AV Royals, will...

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So What is This Home Automation Thingy Anyway?

By Grant Clauser, January 18, 2013 My editorial colleagues and I always chuckle (OK, we cringe) when we read an article from the mainstream media (i.e., not a consumer electronics writer) that refers to a Jetson’s lifestyle or the home of the future whenever the...

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What Screen Size is Right for You?

Enter an electronics store or peruse the ads in the Sunday newspaper and the variety of new HDTVs and other electronic screens is overwhelming. If you're in the market for a new video screen, you know exactly how confusing the different choices can be. Below are just...

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Home Theater: Buy an Experience, Not a Box

CEDIA Home Technology Blog | December 4, 2012 | Sure, you can go out and buy a home-heater-in-a-box (HTiB) system for a couple hundred bucks and it will provide "everything you need for a home theater experience." Most HTiBs include five small speakers and a bass...

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iPad 4 Review Roundup: The New Real iPad

By Casey Chan So the iPad 4 is the new iPad, or rather the new new iPad because the new iPad was first the iPad 3, which has now become the old and discontinued new iPad half a year later. Yeah, it’s awkward. But anyway. This new iPad is just the same as the old iPad...

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Today’s Housing Market: Home Technology Trends

A recent study conducted by CEA (Consumer Electronics Association) in conjunction with the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) confirmed that home technology is making a positive contribution to the housing market's recovery. This is due to the home buyer's...

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The Features & Benefits of Automated Window Coverings

You're in the kitchen; you hear a gentle swoosh. It must be around sunset, you think, that time of day where the evening sun bursts through your living room windows, hitting the light sensors and prompting your blinds to close so you and your family can easily watch...

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iPad control for home automation

Using the ipad to control home automation was probably the highlight of my decade. Suddenly we were relieved from the shackles of custom interfaces for each of the devices we installed. Instead we could write an application (app) for a single device (the ipad) that...

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